For those that don't know the Factory Store is basically an attic of Longaberger stuff (in fact it used to be called the attic) You never know what you're going to find in the Factory Store, it's usually retired things or items that aren't in catalogs anymore that Longaberger made a few too many of. (For example, right now they have Traditional Red dessert bowls for $9 and 3qt Roasters for $24.95) There is a lot of great fabric items (totes, purses, curtains) as well as baskets, pottery, liners, and protectors that aren't around any more, you can find stuff that's a lot cheaper than it would be on Ebay.
For those that are on the east coast, the Factory Store is an actual place at the Homestead, and you can go and pick up low cost liners baskets and what not in person, (it's pretty awesome)
Along with the Factory Store, there is also the Homestead Online which has a great deal of Longaberger related products but they are like Longaberger dips and sauces and dried flowers and home decorating items, things that look great with baskets!
OK So the sale right? Basically it's a 2 for $10 sale starting tomorrow (February 20th) at 7AM check it out early so you get first dibs on colors and designs that are left!
You can get to the Factory Store AND Homestead Online by heading to myshop and on the left hand side is a link that says "factory store and Homestead online"
See ya at 7AM!
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