Monday, December 8, 2008

Berry Basket Online Only STEAL!

Just a heads up that the Berry Basket (one of my BERRY favorites!!!) will be online for just $20 at MyShop  that's a savings of $14! This was actually one of my very first baskets that I owned- I won it as a second chance basket at Basket Bingo when I was in the sixth grade!! There are a few million uses for this basket but just a few include:

  • Holding Napkins on the table
  • using it with the square bowl as a nifty serving solution! (see the picture!!)
  • Holding Hair Ties In the bathroom
  • Holding Sticky Notes
  • First Aid Kit (band-aids, Neosporin, New Skin and some tylenol) at work
  • and a few million other uses... Tell me, how do you use yours
Check out the official flyer!

And just in case you missed it:
This online offer is available ONLY at
Also known as: My shop
It will be available at 12:01 AM -11:59PM on December 10 2008
-This would make a great Christmas Gift for ANYONE on your list, and the cheap price only makes it better!
Happy Basket Hunting

PS right after I posted this I found THIS SITE they're raffling off a Longaberger Wrap-it-up basket to help find an orphaned child a home...
*Disclaimer- I have no connection with the folks raffling off the wrap-it-up basket- Before donating, i'd recommend doing your research, i.e. email the person and check out their church and stuff-- It seems legitimate to me, but- this is the internet!*
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