On Tuesday the Nature's Garland Platter will be on sale as well as a Holiday bow in Longaberger fabric :)
And on Wednesday my FAVORITE basket will be on sale the Lunchbox Basket-
I have one of these baskets from the design a basket series (it has my high school colors and music notes on it) It has had the various jobs of organizing all of my nail polishes and other beauty junk, storing candy for the people that visit me, held art supplies for doing my bulletin boards at work and I don't even remember what all else. If I've had a need for a basket, this one can just about always do it.
I think this is a perfect gift for a college bound friend or family member and this post has some great ideas on how to fill it http://missysbaskets.blogspot.com/2010/04/gifts-for-grads.html
You could also fill it for a baby shower gift- it's a great size to use as a portable diaper changing basket, get a blanket or one of those little plastic mats to protect surfaces, stick a few diapers in, a smallish container of wipes and some diaper cream, baby powder, maybe a burp cloth or two, and you have a fantastic gift for the new mommy.

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